Hi-Klean Dental Clinic

Our Service

Orthodontics Treatment Service In Kottayam

Achieving a radiant smile with perfectly aligned teeth is not just about aesthetics; it’s about enhancing your overall oral health and well-being. At Hi-klean Dental Clinic, our experienced orthodontists are dedicated to providing comprehensive orthodontic care that addresses the unique needs of each patient. We utilize advanced techniques and technologies to transform smiles . We offer a comprehensive range of orthodontic treatments to address various bite problems, including crowded or misaligned teeth, overbites or underbites, gaps or spacing issues, and crossbites. Our experienced orthodontists will carefully assess your individual needs and recommend the most suitable treatment option to achieve a healthy, aligned smile.

Benefits of Orthodontic Treatment

  • Improved Aesthetics: Straight, aligned teeth enhance your smile and boost your self-confidence.
  • Enhanced Oral Health: Properly aligned teeth make it easier to clean, reducing the risk of cavities, gum disease, and other oral health problems.
  • Better Bite Function: A correct bite improves chewing efficiency, prevents tooth wear, and reduces strain on the jaw muscles.
  • Improved Speech and Pronunciation: Properly aligned teeth can improve speech clarity and pronunciation.

We're Here to Answer Them.

Frequently Asked Questions​

1. How long does it take to put braces on?

After bonding the dental braces, it takes about 1-2 hours for the process to finish.

2. Are braces painful?

Getting or having braces is not painful. However, slight discomfort and soreness are usual after getting them. Apart from this, metal braces may feel to be a little tight after getting them readjusted on a follow-up visit to the orthodontist.


3. How long do one need to wear braces?

The total duration of wearing dental braces depends on multiple factors that include the condition of teeth and compliance to oral care practices. Usually, the duration may vary from 18-36 months.

4.what can you not eat with braces on?

While wearing dental braces, one must definitely avoid any carbonated drinks, sticky food, and crunchy food including ice and popcorn.

5.what are the different types of braces available?

Traditional metal braces, ceramic braces, and Invisalign are commonly available. Your orthodontist will recommend the type of braces based on your needs, preferences, and the complexity of your orthodontic issues.

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