Hi-Klean Dental Clinic

Our Services

Dental Jewelry Treatment Service In Kottayam

Dental jewellery, also known as tooth gems, are tiny crystals or gemstones that are painlessly attached to the enamel of your teeth using a strong, yet gentle adhesive. This cosmetic enhancement procedure is a popular choice for individuals seeking to add a touch of sparkle and individuality to their smiles. Hi-klean Dental Clinic takes pride in providing a safe and gentle dental jewellery experience, employing only high-quality materials and techniques. Our experienced dentists carefully select and place each gem to complement your unique smile and personal style.

Dental jewelry offers a myriad of benefits that extend beyond aesthetics. The addition of these tiny gems can boost your confidence, allowing you to smile more freely and expressively. Whether you opt for a single gem or a cluster of crystals, dental jewellery serves as a personalized accessory that reflects your unique personality.

We're Here to Answer Them.

Frequently Asked Questions​

1. Is dental jewellery safe for teeth?

Dental jewellery is generally safe when applied by a professional dentist using appropriate materials and techniques. However, it’s essential to follow proper oral hygiene practices to prevent issues such as decay or gum problems around the jewellery.

2. How long does dental jewellery last?

The longevity of dental jewellery varies depending on factors such as oral hygiene, lifestyle, and the quality of the materials used. On average, dental jewelry can last several months to a few years. Periodic check-ups with a dentist are recommended to ensure its stability.

3. Can dental jewellery be removed?

Yes, dental jewellery can be removed by a dentist without causing damage to the tooth structure. If you wish to remove it, consult your dentist to ensure a safe and proper removal process.

4. Does dental jewellery require special care?

While dental jewellery doesn’t require extensive care, maintaining good oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, is crucial. Avoid biting on hard objects and be mindful of your eating habits to prevent damage to the jewellery.

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